Client Facing Skills
1 day
Number of participants:
Cybele team:
1 trainer for the day
Equipment needed:
Training room large enough to house 10 people comfortably with space for smaller group work and room to move around. Also a flipchart & paper; projector & screen please.
Programme materials:
Will be supplied by Cybèle including joining instructions for distribution in advance of the programme.
Who's this course for?
People who are looking to increase their skills when face-to-face with clients.
The aim of this programme is to ensure that staff respond to a client’s needs in a professional and company focused manner, whilst still appreciating that each client will have their own view on “excellent client contact” actually involves.
The workshop encourages the group to think about and understand what drives the behaviours of others and how this translates in to rewarding and mutually beneficial interactions between staff and clients.
This course provides tools, techniques and practice for all those who need to make significant improvements in their communication skills and ensure the human element is taken in to consideration in all areas of client contact.
• Understand how we perceive our clients and how that affects our behaviour towards them
• Choose from a variety of strategies in order to handle different behaviours
• Understand different communication styles and the drivers behind those styles.
• Know how to build positive client relationships
• Be aware of the importance of body language, and understand these non-verbal signals
• Recognise conflict in themselves and others and communicate appropriately in that situation.