MBTI Team Development Programme
1 day
Number of participants:
Cybele team:
1 Trainer for the day
Equipment needed:
Training room large enough to house 10 people comfortably with space for smaller group work and room to move around. Also 2 x flipcharts & paper; projector and screen please.
Programme materials:
Will be supplied by Cybèle including joining instructions for distribution in advance of the programme.
Who's this course for?
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) provides insight for individuals into themselves, their preferred ways of taking in information, making decisions and living their lives. This then enables them to gain a better understanding of why they do the things they do in the way that they do and how this might be different from those around them.
Individuals decide upon their best-fit ‘Type’ and explore what this means in terms of what they bring to the team, areas to be aware of and how this compares to their colleagues. The team review their overall ‘Type Dynamic’ and explore what this means for them in reality – what are the team’s strengths and development areas? What other implications need to be considered to ensure successful performance?
• To explore their own preferred ways of working and what this means in a team environment
• To understand and appreciate other styles and preferences
• To consider how they might modify their own behaviour to bring out the best in their colleagues
• To reflect on the current dynamics within the team and how they currently contribute as an individual
• To discover theirs and others’ communication and influence styles and explore how to adapt them to achieve more effective results
• To increase their ability to adapt their communication to influence stakeholders/external partners