SDI Core Strengths – Team Building Programme
1 day
Number of participants:
Cybele team:
1 trainer for the day
Equipment needed:
Training room large enough to house 10 people comfortably with space for smaller group work and room to move around. Also a flipchart & paper; projector & screen please.
Programme materials:
Will be supplied by Cybèle including joining instructions for distribution in advance of the programme. We will issue a link to the Core Strengths questionnaire via email at least 2 weeks before the training which everyone needs to complete. The results from these will be used throughout the day in discussions and exercises.
Who's this course for?
Everyone! Quite simply, all people involved in an organization that need to interrelate with colleagues and customers will benefit from the improved self awareness, and awareness of others, that SDI® brings.
Organisations function via the union of processes and people. When these work in harmony, we find successful, effective business and service providers. However, it is often the relationships amongst work colleagues that can render even the most developed processes as useless.
Some people are more successful than others at developing relationships with those around them; these people are described as having high levels of Emotional Intelligence. It has been proven in a number of industries that staff with high levels of Emotional Intelligence are more effective than those without. In Scandinavia, a well known and respected hotel group increased their turnover by 20% by using resources with high Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence is not a trait that is fixed, but a state that can be developed, with self awareness being a pivotal. The use of the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) is an extremely useful tool in increasing our self awareness and therefore developing our Emotional Intelligence.
Various research has shown that Emotional Intelligence contributes directly to the bottom line in any organization, and deficits in Emotional Intelligence can have major negative effects. Ensuring high Emotional Intelligence in executives can have a number of major benefits, the three primary ones being;
• Ability to handle cultural change,
• Ability to work well in a team,
• Good interpersonal relations.
• Understand your own Motivational Value System (MVS) – what motivates them
• Understand your conflict sequence – how you act when you are under pressure
• Understand how you can have an impact on others around you
• Recognise the MVS and conflict sequence of others
• Plan interactions and behaviours to facilitate better outcomes