Create the Ultimate Effective Team with Automation
It’s a brave new world out there, and hybrid working is becoming the norm. With so many changes to our teams and working practices, facing an uncertain future in an increasingly digital age, learning to utilise automation to your benefit could be a great tool in your efficiency kit.
Automating some of your working tasks can speed up the execution of tasks and reduce mistakes from human error, particularly due to repetition. When formulaic, repetitive tasks are in question, automation could be the perfect answer to honing an effective team.
Streamline Working Processes
Identifying the basic but essential tasks that can be run by automation and implementing new processes to do so can free up valuable time in your team’s day to allow more space for creative thinking and future planning.
Utilising group working apps, such as Teams or Slack, or Google’s live document editing, is an immediate time-saver. However, as remote and hybrid working appears to be around to stay, these providers have developed their offerings. For example, outside of the simple streamlining of automatic meeting reminders and quick access to instant meetings from chat window space, Slack has introduced a range of automotive options through Workflow.
From handling the logistics of live event organising to streamlining and creating legal documents and standard workplace paperwork with just a few clicks, Workflow is offering more and more options with artificial intelligence (AI) as we settle into remote working. IFTTT is also presenting some brilliant options including vast app collaboration and is definitely worth exploring for their absolute flexibility across industries.
As we progress post-pandemic, I’ve no doubt other providers have further automation in the works too. It’s worth getting in touch with your software providers to see what they’re developing, and what they may be able to offer you.
Free Up Your Team with AI
Adapting to the new working environment ahead of us is essential. Allowing our teams’ space to explore, create, and develop new ideas is what’s needed to ensure responsive, valuable companies for the future.
Using AI to streamline working processes and optimise data collection and translation is one of our top tips. For instance, implementing pathways to read data from social media ad clicks or search engine trends can deliver valuable new feedback into how you handle sales, marketing, and flag periods of increased activity, year on year.
Data inputting, financial analysis and social media scheduling can also move to the realm of AI, allowing your team valuable space to create, experiment, and develop. When AI is used intelligently, alongside team nurturing and communication, the potential for great things ahead is huge!
Taking Automation Into The Future
Hopefully, our pointers above have given you some inspiration to navigate implementing automation processes into your workforce for a more effective team, and ultimately - greater business success. Take a look and see what’s out there. And if that’s got you thinking about further training and development - give our training courses a look, too.