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Why Menopause Education Is Good For Your Business

The Impact of Menopause on Staff and Business

Menopause women are the fastest growing workforce demographic, and understanding the implications this will have on individuals, as well as business processes as a whole, is essential.

According to the Wellbeing of Women survey from 2016, one in four women experiencing menopausal symptoms consider leaving their workplace, and the cost of sickness related absence is highest in those prone to menopausal symptoms. From staff retention and staff wellbeing to minimising business costs and working inefficiencies, prioritising menopause education should be a business focus.

Tip for Menopause Education in the Workplace

Implement Early Menopause Awareness

Most women reach menopause around the age of 51, but symptoms can be experienced from the late-30s onwards. Early awareness amongst all members of your workforce can help everyone understand changing pressures and support adjustments in the workplace, minimising excess stress or staff absences.

Train Managers to Support Appropriately

Educating managers to recognise symptoms of menopause and perimenopause, speak openly with staff, and nurture a respectful and empathetic culture can all help prepare managers to explore support staff appropriately, particularly if they will not have personal experience of menopause.

Make Reasonable Adjustments

Allowing time for hormone replacement therapy (HRT), fatigue or sleep issues, or memory issues are all elements you may need to prepare to make reasonable adjustments for within your workforce experiencing menopause. Flexible working patterns or note-taking support may be helpful, but ensure consultation with individuals takes place to understand their specific needs. An occupational health or wellbeing provider may also offer additional insights in support.

Create A Menopause Policy

Retaining the knowledge and expertise of employees experiencing menopause is essential to continued business success, staff retention, and continued staff wellbeing. Committing to a menopause policy shows a respect and understanding of employee experience from a top down level, and ensures business security. Gain feedback from those who have already experienced menopause to determine what factors are important for your policy, and write and promote your policy with accessibility in mind. An open and clear commitment to diversity, inclusion and wellbeing across all areas of working culture ensures holistic success.

Menopause Education for Business Success

Creating a positive culture around menopause education in the workplace, providing an open space for employees to discuss their experiences and needs and ensuring proactive implementation of support can feel overwhelming. However, workplace training, awareness of menopause at work and tangible actions to support those in the workplace can help improve your working culture. Start things off with our tips above, and reach out to us or explore our resources for further implementation support.


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