Developing Hybrid Presenting Skills for Successful Business
After we have all become well-versed in online presenting, Zoom meetings, and remote working, many of us are now returning to gathering in person for these business exchanges. Returning to the physical office doesn’t have to mean leaving all of the virtual presentation skills we’ve learnt over the last few years behind.
In-person presentation allows for easier eye contact and shared discussion, and a better feel for energy and attitude within the room. Nurturing skills for connectivity when presenting is essential to successful business meetings; but the creative utilisation of technology we’ve seen over the last few years of the pandemic has taught us a lot of valuable skills, too. So, how can we bring the best of online presenting skills back into the meeting room to create the best of hybrid presentations?
Connect With The Audience
Connecting with your audience directly is one of the biggest benefits of a return to in-person presenting. Whilst these skills may have gotten a little rusty over the pandemic, they are quick to recover and can add a huge boost to the energy and attention in the meeting room.
Ensure your body language is open, and stand up whilst presenting to maintain focus and energy. Maintain good eye contact with your audience and allow time for organic discussion to make the most of the shared space and refresh your in-person skills.
Exploit Technology and Multimedia
Hybrid meetings allow for a breadth of creativity when it comes to presenting. Try combining online quizzes and instructional videos with whiteboard mind-mapping sessions, or physical breakout groups with online reporting. Combining the technology founded within online meeting spaces with more traditional presenting tools allows for an energetic and inspiring space for all involved.
Data Gathering for Future Success
Online presenting and remote working have led us all to think creatively about our use of tech, and there’s no need to leave this innovation behind as we return to business in person. From online learning to shareable documents, the possibilities are almost endless - and online platforms make for some of the most efficient data collection.
Try creating a QR code or data capture form to share digitally for audience feedback, or gather suggestions for future learning. Making the most of data gathering points or digital analysis can help nurture a better evaluated business space, and help hone skills and staff development.