Your learning & development hub
Let’s not beat around the bush…
You’re here to increase profits for your business and improve learning outcomes for your teams. Blended learning is the most effective way to scale your business, all while increasing accessibility and knowledge retention for learners.
But, what is blended learning and how do you implement training courses into your organisation?
Resources For Your Team
LGBTQI+ Inclusivity in your Organisation
Anyone can experience a mental health problem. But people who identify as LGBTQI+ are more likely to experience problems such as depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings, and other signs of poor mental wellbeing. Fortunately, employers and workplaces are in a position to make a real difference to this.
What every CEO should know about Generative AI
Generative AI is evolving at record speed while CEOs are still learning the technology's business value and risks. Here, McKinsey Digital looks at some of the generative AI essentials.
Evolve Culture & Leadership for the Hybrid Workplace
Gartner for HR Leaders helps you identify emerging HR trends and anticipate challenges in order to achieve your top priorities. Take a look at their latest eBook around culture and leadership.
Which Assessment Will Really Make a Difference?
For millions of professionals, taking a personality test is now a routine part of the job. But if you're the person choosing these, how do you know which one to go for? Core Strengths have taken a look!
Why UK PLC needs better managers!
Download this resource, which share the results of a nationawide study into the state of UK management and leadership by the CMI.